Thursday, February 5, 2009

rainstone remix

today tiffany and i auditioned for the talent show. instead of going under tiffany and michelle, we went under trademark. haha get it? our initials are TM which means trademark, yeah we're lame. that is besides the point. there was a lovely shower of rain. although i hate being cold and wet at the same time, i love the rain. i like walking in the rain, sitting in the rain, and just listening to the rain. the smell, sound, and feel of the rain are just really relaxing.
when life is all out of hand (the way i feel when i'm sitting in ap calculus) and the rain just drizzles lightly upon my head and making my glasses all wet, i can only smile. the rain is my personal drug to make me happy. i can only get the rain during winter, but i can make the most of it.

안녕 마음아 (goodbye, my heart) - 지선 (Jisun)

this song isn't exactly the happiest song in the world, but it definitely is my favorite song as of this moment.