Monday, November 24, 2008


Samson - Regina Spektor

I think all my friends can agree when I say this, A BREAK IS NEEDED! Senior year should not be difficult at all, but here I am stressing about AP Lit/pre-cal, college applications, senior papers, multicultural, work, HEROES and what not. Sighs. Listening to Samson makes me happy no matter I cruddy I feel. Her lyrics are so sincere and she seems a lot in love. Feeling her happiness makes me happy. Regina Spektor makes Michelle Yoon happy (if anyone got me her album for Christmas I would love you forever!!!). Although, there was something that made me smile like there is no tomorrow.
My friend gave me a stuffed doll of Herpes. No joke. This doll is shaped like the Herpes virus. It is super repulsive and appalling, but it is so cute. ha. So really the things that make me happy in life are pretty songs like Samson, and stuffed STDs.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

goodness me

It has been quite awhile, hasn't it. H-wile. Anyways, today's rant is going to be about spelling. Just when I typed awhile, I don't really know if it's supposed to be "awhile" or "a while". But who really gives a crap? I don't. As long as people understand what I am saying, what does it really matter?

1) 'I' before 'E' except after 'C'
Whoever made this rule up should seriously go kick themselves in the crotch. WHAT THE CONFUCIUS?! Really? Teaching this to children is just cruel. Can you just remember what it was like sitting at your tiny ass desk spelling some words to practice this sacred rule. Oh, how frustrated you would get when you spelled receipt as "reciept". It is the same word, is it not? Then why all the fuss about the 'I-E' rule? People don't even notice the spelling error half the time. I've spelled receipt as "reciept" plenty of times, but no one noticed (unless they are spelling nazis, that's when they get all "'I' before 'E' except after 'C' on your ass). And then we discover that there is more to this rule. I don't remember the rhyme but it had something to do with neighbor and weigh. Now both neighbor and weigh are not spelled with a 'C' and yet, the 'E' is before the 'I'. What the Ho Chi Minh? That completely went against the rule of the "C's" WHY ENGLISH WHY???

2) Plurals
Go back to your younger years and reminisce. Your second grade teacher is going to now give you a lesson on plurals. Simple right? The plural of box is boxes. The plural of dish is dishes. The plural of goose is geese. At this point you're feeling pretty good about yourself. You answered all the questions correctly, but then comes the unthinkable. The plural for moose is mooses. WRONG. You start to panic. The plural of fish is fishes. WRONG! Why am I so wrong? Freaking the plural for moose is MOOSE and the plural for fish is FISH. NOTHING CHANGES! Why does nothing change? Just when I thought spelling was on my side, BAM, it becomes my foe once more. How irritating would that be as a kid? You sweetly answer the teacher's stupid questions about plurals and then all of the sudden a word pops out that is both a singular and a plural. Once again, WHY ENGLISH, WHY?

Agh spelling, you once again beat me to the ground like the bitch you are. CURSE YOU SPELLING!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

happiness in a jar

I think everyone can agree with this. We all need to see, hear, ect. something that would make us smile like a child. Especially with this year, my friends and I want to beat each other and what not, but all we need is a little something that will make are lips curl upwards into a delightful smile.
Gentle Giant - Clazziquai Project
This song is so sweet and mellow and that gentle giant is like happiness in a jar. Songs like this are what people really need. When one is having a really bad day, just listen to a simple song that makes your heart smile. That's what I do. Everyday I listen to a song that just makes me smile, no matter how upset I am because, frankly, I refuse to let sadness dictate the rest of my high school career. I am going to have fun because I deserve it. Happy music reminds me that my goal this year is to actually enjoy my life and enjoy the presence of others because I have the right to.

I was discussing with the lovely empressck and we were discussing all of the little things we wanted to get done before our graduation. We wanted to do those little things with our friends that will make all the difference in the world. For example, we want to make a three-course meal together, we want to go trick-or-treating, ect. Such trivial things will make us so much closer and this is all we need. This song reminds me to be happy and to be happy with my friends. Let's have fun. That's all I ask for.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

anatomy of a robot

I feel like the "great" Christopher Columbus. Minus the fact that my discovery was actually what I was searching for opposed to good old Chris who just sailed to a random ass continent. Today I discovered this underground korean band called Dear Cloud. I was somewhat skeptical, however, their music really makes me feel like I'm floating above the clouds. The smooth, peaceful melodies really put my mind and body to rest.
얼음요새 - 디어 클라우드
"the ice fortress of which i walk upon
thankfully made me forget
grasping the path of whom i become
being held by your warmth
this is the winter path i chose

i was in the center of winter
letting courage take my place
your beauty is cruel
you left my eternal love for you
coldly pushing me away
the words i can't speak
when my heart is sad"
i think everyone can relate to those words whether they like it or not. that congested feeling that you can't escape because of the burden of your emotions. why can't we all be robots? i like robots. they're fun to draw. really, if we were all robots we would not have to suffer through regular human hardships. no love, no war, just complex simplicity if that makes any sense. the makings of a robot are complex, but the intent of a robot is simple. of course there are also negative results from everyone being a robot. robots need love too. naturally this thought of mine is completely irrational and i'm digressing from the real point of this blog.

Dear Cloud, i appreciate your music. and i also appreciate that your music inspires me to think about robots.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

them young kids

Well I am a little bit late on this, but this past friday was the best day of my life. Here are the reasons.

1) Friday was senior BBQ and because I'm a senior (woot woot) I of course attended and had a blast. There was not so great, free food, free drinks and free popcorn. But the best part were taking pictures and the inflatable playgrounds, or rides, or whatever they are. Some friends decided to not join me in my need to play on the jumpy thingys, but none of us objected to taking pictures.

Now there isn't really much to say about senior BBQ, except that it was fun. Also, everyone was in a pelvic thrusting frenzy.

2)Peter, Tyler, Brandon and Maggie came over after the BBQ. I had to play nurse and fix Tyler who was bleeding while Peter takes off his shirt because it was too hot. Now I am not one to complain about guys taking off their shirts, but it is just weird when your white friend takes his shirt off in an ASIAN household. Tyler realizing that Peter's inappropriateness made me squirm decided to take his shirt off as well. I was uncomfortable because they were my friends and because their bodies were so hot, that I had to stare. Then the boys left to do some sportsy stuff and Maggie and I decided to watch the Lion King. I love that movie, but I fell asleep throughout the whole entire thing.

3) My friends and I decided to attend the first home football game of the year. Of course we lost, but that is not the point. My awesome Mexidorean friend, Karina, and I were thirsty and left to go purchase a soda. While we were waiting in line, this little White kid started talking to us. His first question to Karina was "How old are you?" Whoa this kid moves fast doesn't he? Karina answered to play along with his games. He kept asking us questions like what grade we were in, what are classes were and telling us how Butler Elementary food was nasty compared to Smedberg food. During this time we found out his name was Patrick and he was in seventh grade. Basically a seventh grader was hitting on us and was extremely straightforward. It was super cute and in the end he said that it was cool Sheldon girls were talking to him.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


My computer and I have a love/hate relationship. Well if anything, we have a one-sided love/hate relationship.

Two weeks ago the blue screen of death came to visit me and a very tech savvy geek took my computer away to fix it. Of course only my computer would do that to me because it hates me. I hated my computer (aka daniel or nigel. I never really settled on a name) for two weeks straight. I got daniel/nigel back yesterday and I had really high hopes that I would be a indestructible pc user in 24 hours. I had such love for daniel/nigel, but obviously I was not loved back. Apparently, daniel/nigel hates me and is being all ridiculous. The monitor settings aren't being the way I want them to be, I can't download any programs, and I HAVE NO ITUNES! I think I need to purchase a pocket asian who can jazz up my computer in an instant.

By the way, for your information I am watching the republican convention and I saw two black people. I thought the blogspot nation should know.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

do i look like a truck driver?

My father.

Once again I emphasize this one fact. MY FATHER NEEDS HIS OWN BLOGSPOT.
Another ridiculous, father thing happened today.

I'm sitting in front my dad's computer, surfing the internet and what not and my father calls me.

Now whenever he yells my name, he doesn't just yell it. He screams my name out like he is about to battle the communists himself. So, I'm thinking, "What the hell did I do this time?"
"YOON SORA! Come out here."
"Yes, Appa?"
"Grab your driver's license and come to the garage."
"Ummmm, okay." So, I did as he said and went to the garage to find is gross truck in front of me. I honestly had a thought bubble coming out of my head filled with "..."
"Here." My dad shoved his car keys in my face.
"Appa, why the hell do I need to drive your truck?"
"Because I'm going to Korea for a week and-"
"Hold up, you're going to Korea for a week and I just find this out? Am I your daughter or am I your daughter?"
"I thought Umma told you already."
"Apparently no one tells me anything anymore. Damn I'm pissed."
"Whatever, start driving the truck."
"Why? I have a perfectly normal car."
"Let Umma drive the civic to work so she can save gas."
"I still don't get the truck thing."
"Just get in the damn car!" This is where I pick up my language. I got in his death trap of a car and I seriously was confused as hell. Everything was all out of place and so, manual! The gear changer thingy was on the wheel and the windows had to be rolled down by using a turny thingy and oh my goodness it was all sorts of wrong. I didn't even attempt to drive the truck.

Now what I don't understand is that we have another car. A 4-runner, but my dad absolutely insisted that I drive is beaten up truck. I must be a bad driver, then again I learn from him.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

this week can suck it

I've been having a tough week. I must feel the need to rant to make myself feel better.

Monday: well nothing bad happened on Monday so that doesn't count.

Tuesday: at work, the T.V. was playing basketball replays and my coworker and I didn't notice, so we missed the first 2 hours of the olympics.
earlier that day my dad and I went to the bank to open an account for me, but it didn't work to well. It's a long story, but what really pissed me off was that the lady helping us, thought we were both stupid beyond belief. Seriously, just because my dad has an accent and I wasn't really talking much doesn't mean you can treat us like idiots. She was saying things like "Her bank account can't be seen online" in a loud voice and with hand motions. I wanted to take her stapler and shove it down her throat.
I came home and turned my computer on, only to find a virus. I called up a tech savvy friend of mine and he told me (after a few hours) that he needed to take my computer home and reformat it. Meaning all my stuff will be gone. But he was nice and said he would save all the things I wanted him to save. But for now I'm stuck using this piece of crap computer in my sister's room and did I already mention it was a PIECE OF CRAP. Let me emphasize that again. PIECE OF CRAP.

Wednesday: I was told yesterday that there was going to be a meteor shower, so I stayed up until 2:30ish hoping to see it, but I fell asleep.
At around 6 am I woke up because my finger was itching like crazy. I scratched it and went back to sleep. I woke up at around 10 only to find that finger swollen and more itchy. It's hard to write, type and most importantly, it is hard to use chopsticks. WHY?! I can handle not writing and typing, but not using chopsticks??? IT IS A CRIME!

These two days can seriously suck it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

there is hope

I was on soompi and came across this beautiful story.

"An incredible love story has come out of China recently and managed to touch the world.
It is a story of a man and an older woman who ran off to live and love each other in peace for over half a century.

The 70-year-old Chinese man who hand-carved over 6,000 stairs up a mountain for his 80-year-old wife has passed away in the cave which has been the couple's home for the last 50 years.

Over 50 years ago, Liu Guojiang a 19 year-old boy, fell in love with a 29 year-old widowed mother named Xu Chaoqin.. In a twist worthy of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, friends and relatives criticized the relationship because of the age difference and the fact that Xu already had children.

At that time, it was unacceptable and immoral for a young man to love an older woman.. To avoid the market gossip and the scorn of their communities, the couple decided to elope and lived in a cave in Jiangjin County in Southern ChongQing Municipality. In the beginning, life was harsh as hey had nothing, no electricity or even food. They had to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain, and Liu made a kerosene lamp that they used to light up their lives.

Xu felt that she had tied Liu down and repeatedly asked him, 'Are you regretful? Liu always replied, 'As long as we are industrious, life will improve.'
In the second year of living in the mountain, Liu began and continued for over 50 years, to hand-carve the steps so that his wife could get down the mountain easily.

Half a century later in 2001, a group of adventurers were exploring the forest and were surprised to find the elderly couple and the over 6,000 hand-carved steps. Liu MingSheng, one of their seven children said, 'My parents loved each other so much, they have lived in seclusion for over 50 years and never been apart a single day. He hand carved more than 6,000 steps over the years for my mother's convenience, although she doesn't go down the mountain that much.'

The couple had lived in peace for over 50 years until last week. Liu, now 72 years, returned from his daily farm work and collapsed. Xu sat and prayed with her husband as he passed away in her arms. So in love with Xu, was Liu, that no one was able to release the grip he had on his wife's hand even after he had passed away.

'You promised me you'll take care of me, you'll always be with me until the day I died, now you left before me, how am I going to live without you?'
Xu spent days softly repeating this sentence and touching her husband's black coffin with tears rolling down her cheeks.

In 2006, their story became one of the top 10 love stories from China , collected by the Chinese Women Weekly. The local government has decided to preserve the love ladder and the place they lived as a museum, so this love story can live forever."

reading stories like this, help me realize that there is hope. Everyone can find love, and these kinds of stories make me want to believe in soulmates. I'm sure the couple will meet each other again.

Friday, August 1, 2008

60 year-old Fobby Korean Man

My father.

He actually should start his own blogspot because of his weird ways and philosophies. Too bad the only thing he thinks a computer is good for, is for him to sit and play baduk(that one game with the white and black button thingys) and watch Korean dramas. But a funny thing happened last night.

Let's start off with this. I'm afraid of the dark. Pathetic right? I developed this fear in seventh grade that if I close the door and turn off the light, something is going to come out and cut my legs and arms off with a knife and I scream but my parents don't hear me, then I get killed. Pretty demented fear right? Well, I have a demented mind. This fear has been with me for five years now and my parents know my fear. So for most of the nights, before I go to bed, I open my door, I turn the hall light on, and then I sleep peacefully.

Yesterday at about 1 am I was still playing on my computer and what not. My dad came in (which scared the crap out of me) and told me to go to sleep. But he said it in a quiet yell. You know when people quietly yell through their teeth? yeah that's what he did. So he closed my door and I was thinking "pshhhhhyah, like I'm really going to sleep right now." But in reality, by 1:30 I was totally tired. So I got up, turned my computer off and was ready to start my nightly routine. I went to open the door and there my dad was standing. Dude, I thought my fear had come true. My heart dropped to my freaking colon, holy crap I was scared. My dad's only words were "took you long enough. Hurry up and sleep." Then he went to his room to go to bed. I was still too shocked to move.

So the moral of the story is:
If you live with a 60 year-old fobby Korean man and he tells you to go to bed, just go to bed.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

swollen eyes

I finished the drama "One Liter of Tears". It's a J-drama about a girl named Aya Ikeuchi and she has spinocerebellar degeneration and her trials and hardships in her life. Spinocereballar degeneration makes it so the patient slowly loses control of their own body. Her life story inspires me. How does she manage to stay so positive when her body is the reason for her disabilities? How does she stay so positive when her mind is working perfectly, but her body is useless? If I were in her place, I would complain all the time, and I would say that life isn't fair. And although Aya thought that God was unfair to her because she had the disease, she learned to accept herself for who she was. After watching this, I feel that I have not been very appreciative about the gifts that I have. I now know that walking, speaking, writing and more are all gifts. They are not to be taken for granted. Why should I, a girl who is perfectly healthy and has no issues with her own body, be upset about life when there are so many people out there who are sick and are struggling just to survive?

At times like this, I wish I could be a doctor. Sadly I have no interest in medicine, nor do I have the diligence or the brains to be a doctor. But I think just watching this drama and learning a lesson in life, will help me be more positive about life. Thank you Kitou Aya.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

thank you

Normally I wouldn't post twice a day, but I have to give thanks publicly.

Thank you Nickelodeon. Thank you for creating The Avatar, possibly my most favorite cartoon. The last episodes today were amazing. I had the same sensation watching the last episodes when I was reading the last book of Harry Potter.

Maybe Nickelodeon will conquer the Disney Channel Empire and be the new dictator of the world. I wouldn't mind that at all. I would actually give up my title as dictator...well maybe not. But if you can make a show like The Avatar all power to you to rule the world.

disney is magical, too magical

I was watching E! and I swear, every time I watch that show, there is something Disney related. I am 16 and I still enjoy a vast majority of the Disney Channel shows. Also, I am one of the many hopeless teenage girls who fell in love with the Jonas Brothers and Zac Efron. So what is it about Disney that sucks you in like crack? Well, that question is a bit too vague so I think I'm going to break it down a bit more.

1) What is the phenomenon that is... HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL?

Exhibit A: I don't really understand why so many people, including myself, have gone crazy for High School Musical. Seriously, what is the big deal? The story is a bit on the lame side and all of the songs are cliche, but I still find myself singing along to "breaking free" and "gotta go my own way". Let's look at "gotta go my own way" more closely.

Gotta Go My Own Way - High School Musical 2

Vanessa Hudgens is singing this song, not because she is going far far away from Zac Efron. Oh no, she is singing this song because she is not working in the same venue as dear zac. Now I am sure that there is a bit more meaning to this song, but when I first watched this, I didn't really understand. So she quit, good for her. She is going her own way, why the hell is Zac trying to keep her from that? I just thought of a way better song to analyze. Zac Efron's "bet on it".

Bet on it - Zac Efron - High School Musical 2

This song is all sorts of wrong. Admit it, when all of you saw this song the day HSM2 debuted you were all squirming and trying to avoid the awkwardness that is Zac Efron. I don't know why he thinks that he is in West Side Story but that number made me want to leave the room and come back five years later. But I still play this song on my iTunes and sing along, even though the song reminds of the scene that gives me nightmares.

2) What is it about Hannah Montana that makes the whole nation want to get up and dance?

Exhibit B: Here is a Southern belle that knows her stuff. NOT! Really? Miley Cyrus is cute and all but have you seen her youtube vlogs with her friend mandy or manny or whatever her name is? It's teenagers on crack. I don't really understand why all of the young girls across the nation wants to be like Hannah Montana. I don't know about you, but I grew up with the wholesome Cabbage Patch Kids and Pound Puppies. Now these young girls want to where an ugly ass blonde wig and wear makeup like a whore. It is truly unfortunate, but I still love the show Hannah Montana. I have no idea why, but I always catch myself watching reruns all the time.

3) Why was Camp Rock such a success?

Exhibit C: Camp Rock. Where to start with Camp Rock. Well let's start with this. I love the Jonas Brothers (I'll rant about them in another blog) even though they are tid bit homo. My friend, empressck and I had a Camp Rock night where we watched the premiere of Camp Rock in my living room. Now we were really excited about this movie and we had high hopes that the movie would be good. Disney has done it again. They crushed my hopes and dreams that Disney will one day make a good movie. In actuality, Camp Rock was...really bad. No joke, the plot was stupid, Demi Lovato pissed me off half the time, and there were those random ass dancers that are now relatively popular on Disney Channel. Not only that, Nick and Kevin were in the movie for a good ten minutes and during those ten minutes, Kevin was, oh how do you put it lightly, Kevin was A LOT HOMOSEXUAL. Why must Disney hurt me so? And now E!News is saying the Camp Rock may have been better than HSM!!! THE LIES THAT I MUST ENDURE! If Camp Rock is better than HSM than I am the next Mao Zedong. Now I will admit that Demi Lovato's voice blew me away and I loved her song with Joe Jonas.

This is Me - Camp Rock

But the other songs, like We Rock, ect. were all bad. Also, what the hell was up with that random ass girl winning the talent show in the end? I don't even remember her freaking name.

Well it seems that this blog proved nothing. There is nothing about HSM, Hannah Montana or Camp Rock that will explain why they are such a phenomenon. But there is something that we, the nation, have established.

Disney Channel is the dictator of the whole entire world and they make is very hard for me, to arise as dictator of the world. they also obviously put drugs in the civilian's water so that we, the victims, will fall hopelessly in love with all of their stupid t.v. shows and movies.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


In the lovely city of Sacramento, it was about 100 degrees outside and it was extremely smoggy and gross. I of course was enjoying the lovely afternoon inside watching some T.V. But I felt the sudden urge to eat a nectarine and so I went into the garage to get some. Mind you the door leading to the garage has NEVER been locked before. I step out into the hot garage and I hear the door close behind me. It normally isn't a big deal and I just went to the refrigerator to get a nectarine. After I got my sweet treat I went back to the door and pushed the handle down, but it wouldn't budge. I was really confused and I tried to push the handle down harder and push the door at the same time. Still the door wouldn't move. I was locked out. Of course, knowing the world, not only was I locked out, but I had nothing on me. No phone, no wallet, nothing. I went into the backyard hoping that I left a window open...nope; everything was locked. I had to resort to walking to a neighbor's house and asking if I could use their phone. In the end, Maggie was my life saver and called her aunt to pick me up. Thank goodness for that

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

potato chips

today my dad, my mom, and i decided to sit down and have a nice family meal. of course the family meal consisted of kentucky fried chicken (we need to go grocery shopping. no joke) and we were all clogging up are arteries, but it was still nice to sit down and eat together. we had an interesting conversation and i will translate it all for your viewing pleasure:

mom: "yohboh, this week is pastor parks birthday."
dad: "oh really? that's nice"
me: "how old is he going to be?"
mom: "the same age as me."
me: "... umm 54?"
mom: "yes."
dad: "huh i thought pastor park was a lot younger"
mom: -.- "he is young"
me: "hehehehehe"
dad: "sorayah, your turing 15 or 16 this year right?"
me: "appa... i'm already 16."
dad: "so you're turning 17???"
me: -.- "yeah"
dad: "jeesus"
me and mom: -.-
dad: (mumbling to himself) "sora...17. jungah...21. aery...27....)
mom: "yohboh. don't forget to buy ramen tomorrow"
me: "and tortilla chips. we have a lot of salsa but no tortilla chips"
dad: "okay. ramen and potato chips."
me: "no appa. TORTILLA chips"
dad: "okay" scribbling down the grocery list "sorayah? you wanted potato chips right?"
me: "NO appa i want TORTILLA chips please"
dad: "okay."

that was the end of our conversation and i have this strange feeling that i'm going to come home after class tomorrow and see the cabinet full of potato chips.

Monday, June 30, 2008


I have come across a new obsession. Well actually this has been my obsession for a long time, it's more of like I have come across a new obsession within the old obsession, if that makes any sense. Everyday I waste about three hours of my life in front of the best website known to mankind:, and I always find myself looking at the "Beauty and Fashion" forums gawking at the beautiful clothes that I wish I could own. It's seriously unhealthy and I obviously need to go to soompi rehab, but it does help pass the time. What is it about fashion and clothing that makes a girl squeal? The world will never know. T.T I'm already late to class. I'll post again soon. Until then...

Peace Out
- Sora

One of the bestest things happened to me today. I finished the hardest puzzle known to mankind.

summer in a nutshell

I'm already three weeks into summer and I have not blogged about any of the fun things that are happening. Here is my three weeks of summer in a nutshell.

Start of summer
The first couple of days were lame. Why? I got sick. Yeah that's right. I got sick in summer. I don't really know why I got so sick, but that particular day I didn't have much of an appetite. I went to CRC classes and I decided to go to RedBerry and visit the awesome Christina. She recommended that I purchase a mango smoothie, and don't get me wrong, it was delicious, but then my stomach started hurting. I still drank it all and then I left to go home. I plopped myself down on the couch and watched T.V. and I just fell asleep for a few hours. I woke up having a nasty sensation in my tummy and I ran for the bathroom and threw up that smoothie. That was not fun.

June 11 - the real summer fun begins
The ever so lovely Christina had a party at her house for the seniors, Eunsong, and Jerri. It was basically the best start to summer any person could ask for. Christina of course hosted a lovely pool party and of course I didn't bother to bring any change of clothes nor did I really prepare myself to go swimming. Why you may ask? Well not only did I have some stomach flu action going on, but I wanted to take lots and lots of lovely pictures. =] There was lots of swimming, throwing people into the pool, homosexual behaviors, whipped cream fights, and lots of food. Everything a good party needs.

June 16 - Eunsong's last day in California
It saddens me to say that our beloved friend Eunsong moved back to Korea. Although I know that she's happy there, we all miss her a lot. At least it makes me feel much better knowing that our last day together was so much fun. Our little crowd consisted of THE ASIANS (Adrienne, Tiffany, Corn, Jerri, Kingston, Maggie, Christina and myself) and then there was our TOKEN WHITE BOY (Ross and all his awesomeness) and the whole day was fun and games. We played Rock Band aka the new heroine for gamers, we beautified a bear, we sang on Adrienne's karaoke machine and made lots of ramen.

At the end of the day, a few tears were shed and we had to say our goodbyes. Of course the only thing we could do next is drown our sorrows in original tart frozen yogurt from RedBerry.

June 24-27 - VBS
All you need to know is that Sam and I (mostly I) were crew leaders for 10 first and second graders and that they have a lot of energy.

June 28 - Kingston's Birthday
Kingston (the group's heartthrob) turned 17 on June 28. So all the girls (Adrienne, Christina, Jerri, Tiffany and myself) gathered up and went to Christina's house for a nice day of hanging out. We (and when I say 'we' I mean Kingston, Christina and I) went swimming and afterwards had lots of spaghetti. Sadly, Tiffany and Jerri had to leave early, but the rest of us were free for the rest of the day. We chose to rent a few movies and we chose FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH, BE KIND REWIND, and KISS KISS BANG BANG. We only had time to watch the first two movies and they were both pretty funny. Although the most entertaining part was when we were wathing Fast Times at Ridegemont High and we saw boobies. All of us grabbed pillows and screamed like little 5 year olds. Goes to show how mature we are and it shows what the future leaders of America are like: Asian and childish. After watching the movies and eating more spaghetti, we went to the park for some good wholesome fun and of course we took lots of pictures.

that was my summer so far. But don't worry. There will be a lot more blogs to come. Until then...

Peace out
- Sora

Saturday, April 19, 2008


After the show today, some of the cast and I decided to go on an adventure to the wonderful world of Carl's Jr. We ate and had fun and a few of us, including myself, wanted to on the playground. Mind you, it was like 10:30 at night and the playground was probably closed. But we still went and we were running around and having fun and then we heard sirens. All of us stopped, me and my friend looked at each other and all of us yelled "RUN!" So we were all trying to get off the freaking playground. The thing was so effing small it was hella hard to run out! We got back inside, and all of us were seriously freaked. I was out at that point and we all left. I feel like such a hoodlum!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Monkeys and Bananas

Today in chemistry, my partner and I had to mix a few chemicals (just like witches and wizards). It was all fun and games until I accidentally put in the wrong chemical. The experiment didn't go bad, yet. The teacher said it wasn't a big deal and that I would just need to put in a bit more of the chemical #2. What she didn't tell me was what the reaction would be with the three chemicals.

I poured chemical #2 in a gradulated cylinder and was ready to pour it in the test tube. I didn't pour it in slowly, like I should have, instead I just dumped in. The chemicals were bubbling and it overflowed all over my hand. Now, the chemicals were COMPLETELY HARMLESS but what would you do in a chemistry lab, and chemicals spilling all over you. You freak out! Just the way I did.

Most normal people would run to the sink and wash their hands. Not I! I screamed and was jumping up in down in a freaking frantic. My partner was like "GO WASH YOUR HANDS!" and my chemistry teacher was running towards me and then started laughing at me.

I would like to say that this experience gave me a new understanding of life, because it almost took mine away, but no. Sadly the chemicals wouldn't have done anything to my skin, and I instead looked like a crazy monkey craving bananas.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gender Confused Students

This week has been Spirit Week at school and today's spirit day was "Gender Bender". The name is self-explanatory and so many people dressed up for it.

I came to school looking like a boy, or what I attempted of being a boy, and I saw a lot of people dressed up. One of my guy friends decided to wear a tube dress and skinny jeans and he truly looked like a girl from behind. So I thought, "I would tap that!"

We decided to "hook up" and walk to math class together. We were walking, linking arms, and I opened the door and there is Ms. Cabrera standing in the doorway with a yardstick in her hands. She seriously looked about ready to attack someone. It scared the crap out of me and my friend. Ms. Cabrera yelled "What's the password?" and I was so scared I couldn't think for a minute. I finally replied "Log is an exponent" and she let both of us in.

That was my random ass story of the day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Freaking April Fools

I finally decided to not be a lazy assmunch and write about my traumatic experience on April Fool's Day.

Two days ago, I heard a rumor that three of the leads in the school play were dropping out for personal reasons and I felt so bad for the director. To lose three of the leads would totally throw the play off schedule and the little ensemble (which includes me) would feel the wrath of the Great Mr. Howard. Yesterday, he had the whole cast sit down and he was giving a speech about how pissed off he was and how he was so disappointed that something like this would happen. I swear, some people were about to cry and I felt so bad for him, because he had to restructure everything. He told us to get up for warm up and said he had one more thing to say...


I wanted to quit right there. Freaking actors! I felt bad for two days and it was all a freaking joke. I officially hate April Fool's Day, along with Valentine's Day. But that's a whole different story.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party

Yesterday, was a friend's birthday party and it was pretty crazy. There were probably ten girls and only one boy and we were screaming Beastie Boy songs all night long. After all, "you gotta fight, for your right, to PARTY".

I went to Borders the other day, and as I was looking through all the books. There are a lot of books I haven't read and I really should. Ahhh, my nerdy stature is slowly diminishing because of my lack of reading. I can not allow that, I must start reading and I will do that...when I'm not lazy. Which means I probably won't read a book any time soon. Oh well, I guess my nerdiness depends on my grades and my big glasses.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Future Careers

Being a junior in high school, I am constantly encountered by counselors reminding me that I have to start thinking of careers. I've personally always had an interest in politics and law and was thinking of pursuing that career. But becoming a lawyer seems to normal. I strive to be unique and so I came upon a brilliant career. A dictator.

Being a dictator allows me to practice law, and control people. What more can you ask for? Although, I'm not really okay with the idea of executing people, so I thought of an alternative. If someone were to defy my laws, I torture them. Not with knives, or guns, but by food. I hate JELLO with a burning passion, I don't like mayonnaise, I don't like raisins, and I don't like coconuts. Now if I were to combine all of those together, I would make a huge bowl of hate. So as punishment, people would have to eat the food until they throw up, get a stomach cramp, or get sick. One of my friends thought that was a lame punishment, so I thought of something better. Drown people in the bowl of hate. Mwahahaha, soon my plan will come into play.

By the way, I'm not really going to be a dictator. I think being a lawyer is perfectly satisfying. :]

The Choices I Make

So many strange, interesting stories occur in my life. So why not make a blog and write down all my stories? It's like my own virtual diary, except the whole world can read it.

No Regrets,
Michelle Sora Yoon