Monday, June 30, 2008


I have come across a new obsession. Well actually this has been my obsession for a long time, it's more of like I have come across a new obsession within the old obsession, if that makes any sense. Everyday I waste about three hours of my life in front of the best website known to mankind:, and I always find myself looking at the "Beauty and Fashion" forums gawking at the beautiful clothes that I wish I could own. It's seriously unhealthy and I obviously need to go to soompi rehab, but it does help pass the time. What is it about fashion and clothing that makes a girl squeal? The world will never know. T.T I'm already late to class. I'll post again soon. Until then...

Peace Out
- Sora

One of the bestest things happened to me today. I finished the hardest puzzle known to mankind.

summer in a nutshell

I'm already three weeks into summer and I have not blogged about any of the fun things that are happening. Here is my three weeks of summer in a nutshell.

Start of summer
The first couple of days were lame. Why? I got sick. Yeah that's right. I got sick in summer. I don't really know why I got so sick, but that particular day I didn't have much of an appetite. I went to CRC classes and I decided to go to RedBerry and visit the awesome Christina. She recommended that I purchase a mango smoothie, and don't get me wrong, it was delicious, but then my stomach started hurting. I still drank it all and then I left to go home. I plopped myself down on the couch and watched T.V. and I just fell asleep for a few hours. I woke up having a nasty sensation in my tummy and I ran for the bathroom and threw up that smoothie. That was not fun.

June 11 - the real summer fun begins
The ever so lovely Christina had a party at her house for the seniors, Eunsong, and Jerri. It was basically the best start to summer any person could ask for. Christina of course hosted a lovely pool party and of course I didn't bother to bring any change of clothes nor did I really prepare myself to go swimming. Why you may ask? Well not only did I have some stomach flu action going on, but I wanted to take lots and lots of lovely pictures. =] There was lots of swimming, throwing people into the pool, homosexual behaviors, whipped cream fights, and lots of food. Everything a good party needs.

June 16 - Eunsong's last day in California
It saddens me to say that our beloved friend Eunsong moved back to Korea. Although I know that she's happy there, we all miss her a lot. At least it makes me feel much better knowing that our last day together was so much fun. Our little crowd consisted of THE ASIANS (Adrienne, Tiffany, Corn, Jerri, Kingston, Maggie, Christina and myself) and then there was our TOKEN WHITE BOY (Ross and all his awesomeness) and the whole day was fun and games. We played Rock Band aka the new heroine for gamers, we beautified a bear, we sang on Adrienne's karaoke machine and made lots of ramen.

At the end of the day, a few tears were shed and we had to say our goodbyes. Of course the only thing we could do next is drown our sorrows in original tart frozen yogurt from RedBerry.

June 24-27 - VBS
All you need to know is that Sam and I (mostly I) were crew leaders for 10 first and second graders and that they have a lot of energy.

June 28 - Kingston's Birthday
Kingston (the group's heartthrob) turned 17 on June 28. So all the girls (Adrienne, Christina, Jerri, Tiffany and myself) gathered up and went to Christina's house for a nice day of hanging out. We (and when I say 'we' I mean Kingston, Christina and I) went swimming and afterwards had lots of spaghetti. Sadly, Tiffany and Jerri had to leave early, but the rest of us were free for the rest of the day. We chose to rent a few movies and we chose FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH, BE KIND REWIND, and KISS KISS BANG BANG. We only had time to watch the first two movies and they were both pretty funny. Although the most entertaining part was when we were wathing Fast Times at Ridegemont High and we saw boobies. All of us grabbed pillows and screamed like little 5 year olds. Goes to show how mature we are and it shows what the future leaders of America are like: Asian and childish. After watching the movies and eating more spaghetti, we went to the park for some good wholesome fun and of course we took lots of pictures.

that was my summer so far. But don't worry. There will be a lot more blogs to come. Until then...

Peace out
- Sora